Site Council
Help your school increase academic achievement and outcomes for your students.
MPS values family and community members as active partners in reviewing funding, policies, practices and programs at our schools. All MPS schools have site councils to support site-based decision making to increase academic outcomes for our students. Site councils are a way that parents and community members can learn what is happening in their school and influence decisions. It's important for site councils to reflect the student population of the schools to ensure a diversity of ideas and input.
Northrop Site Council Meetings are public meetings that begin at 4:30pm. They take place in Northtrop's media center in person and are also accessible through a Google Meet link that Mr. Uhler emails for people to join at 4:20pm. Please contact him if you would like to joni virtually, otherwise, you are always welcome to attend in person.
Remaining meeting dates for the 2023-24 school year:
Site Council meetings will resume in the fall of the 2024-25 school year.
Site Council Meeting Notes for 2023-24 School Year
2023-24 School Year Members:
Teacher, Larry Tifft
Teacher, Jim Nannemann
Parent, Aaron Taylor
Parent, Kris Gorman
Parent, Gina Brusseau
Parent, Jessalyn Johnson
Parent, Ben Gisselman